As we adjust to the new normal that unforeseen circumstances have bestowed upon us, it’s time to take life by the horns and be proactive rather than reactive. If a six- to eight-week self-quarantine is the worst thing that will happen in your life, you’re in for a pretty amazing life. Unlike … [Read more...]
Caligiuri: Which level of college is right for you?
As a proud alumnus of Castleton University, formerly Castleton State College, I’ve had the privilege to learn, compete and work alongside just about every collegiate platform available to today’s student-athletes. Studying sports medicine at a small Division 3 school allowed me to experience … [Read more...]
Five staples of self-care
The collegiate hockey season already has begun, and the high school and prep season is right around the corner. With any luck, you will escape the unavoidable collisions, slap shots and unrelenting schedule without any significant setbacks. More likely than not, however, bruises will be plentiful … [Read more...]
Just say no to the bike
History suggests the wheel was invented to make life easier. The Mesopotamians called dibs on the potter’s wheel dating back to 3500 B.C., 3,000 years before the wheelbarrow and another four thousand years before the chariot. Conventional exercise physiology authors teach us that cyclists have … [Read more...]
Relax and deload from your summer intensity
Time flies when you’re making gains. Summer is just about over, and hopefully you’re leaner, faster and more powerful than you were 12 weeks ago. Now comes the ever-so-important part of your fall transition — the deload. You’ve been skating, training and doing additional dryland conditioning at … [Read more...]
Three different squats to master
There are fewer disappointments to a collegiate strength coach than an incoming freshman who arrives to late-summer workouts with the inability to squat proficiently. Proficiency is not to be confused with the ability to push weight. Proficiency is an elevated level of confidence through a skill-set … [Read more...]